Biophytis has been listed on the market Euronext Growth Paris since July 13, 2015

  • ISIN FR001400OLP5
  • Ticker: ALBPS
  • Type of listing: continuous
  • Total number of shares at 30/09/2024: 6,544,942
    1 ADR = 10 shares
    Number of voting rights at 30/09/2024: 6,568,879
  • Eligible for PEA and PEA-PME equity saving plans

Analyst Coverage

  • February, 3rd, 2022: First Take – H.C. Wainwright & Co – Click here
  • October, 25th, 2021: Initiating Coverage – H.C. Wainwright & Co – Click here
  • September, 20th, 2021: Company Update – Invest Securities – Click here
  • September, 16th, 2021: Company Update – Invest Securities – Click here
  • August, 9th, 2021: Company Update – Invest Securities – Click here
  • December, 7th, 2020: Company Update – Kepler Cheuvreux – Click here
  • April, 3rd, 2019: Company Update – Invest Securities – Click here
  • May, 29th, 2018: Company Update – LifeSci Capital – Click here
  • April, 5th, 2018: Note d’initiation – Kepler Cheuvreux – Click here
  • March, 12th, 2018: Company update – HC Wainwright – Click here
  • December, 21st, 2017: Note d’initiation – HC Wainwright – Click here
  • November, 9th, 2017: Company update – LifeSci Capital – Click here
  • July, 27th, 2016: Company Update – LifeSci Capital – Click here
  • January, 20th, 2016: Note d’initiation – LifeSci Capital – Click here
  • September, 24th, 2015: Note d’initiation – Invest Securities – Click here
  • June, 19th, 2015: Note d’introduction en Bourse – Invest Securities – Click here